Thursday, November 27, 2014

Two New Books Describing Tutoring Opportunities for You!

The 400 Year Project is pleased to announce the completion of drafting for the companion volume to Excellent Solutions, Excellent Leadership. Dr. Elijah Chingosho, Secretary General of the African Airlines Association, has kindly agreed to author the book's Foreword. Excellent Leadership will help individuals identify their callings for working on excellent solutions and prepare them to be highly fruitful in these activities. Publication is expected to occur in March 2015. The book will be available in paperback and electronic form. 

The paperback For-Profit Edition of Excellent Solutions is now available for purchase at, other online book sites, as well as book stores. Here is the ISBN identifier to help you locate the correct edition of the book: 1499378696. Here is the link for the page:

We are working on a short book trailer for this edition that should be available soon. I'll add that link to this post as soon as the trailer is done.

The Nonprofit Edition in paperback and digital versions is also now available on as follows:

The ISBN identifier for the nonprofit edition is 978-1493625444 . The ASIN for the Kindle version is B00OE682FQ.

Here is the link for the page for the paperback edition:

Here is the link for the page for the Kindle version:  

Unique, New Book Provides Directions for Highly Fruitful Solutions to Meet and Upgrade All of Life's Spiritual and Material Needs by Using Your Currently Available Resources
Contact: Helen Cook, 903-654-0938
WESTON, Mass., June 10, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- The 400 Year Project founder, Donald W. Mitchell, launches his latest book, Excellent Solutions: How to Apply God's Wisdom for Greater Fruitfulness. Two versions are available – one for nonprofit organizations and the other for for-profit companies. The 400 Year Project is a Christian initiative to increase global fruitfulness by at least 20 times.
News reports reveal that many people lack some of the basics for sustaining a healthy and productive life: clean water, food, medicine, shelter, education, and a job. Some people who are well supplied with the basics recall times when their own circumstances were more favorable than now and are discouraged about the future. Others are concerned that some people seem determined to harm as many other people as possible and personally live in fear.
Excellent Solutions shows that there is more than sufficient time, effort, physical resources, and money available to greatly improve the spiritual, moral, health, emotional, and physical circumstances of almost everyone on Earth. While some make that argument based on redistributing what those with more have to those who have less, Excellent Solutions encourages, instead, upgrading what we all do and how we conduct our lives to provide such benefits.
Mitchell described the writing experience as follows: "God through the Holy Spirit provided the revelations and inspirations that made this book possible. I happily give Him thanks and gratefully acknowledge that He deserves all the credit for the remarkable methods He revealed to me. Please join me in praising Him!"

First Review of Excellent Solutions 

Foreword Clarion Review


Five Stars (out of Five)

Mitchell avoids narrow ideas, encourages positive thinking, and sets large goals to make the biggest possible spiritual and social impact.

In Excellent Solutions: Nonprofit Edition, Donald Mitchell proposes to prove “that there is more than sufficient time, effort, physical resources, and money available to greatly improve the spiritual, moral, health, emotional, and physical circumstances of almost everyone on Earth.” That is a significant challenge for an author to take on, but Mitchell’s thorough and optimistic presentation provides a commendable and thoughtful plan for nonprofit organizations to follow as they strive to make important and lasting impacts on individuals and society.

Mitchell breaks his process into four stages, each with its own section: “Set Goals for Excellent Solutions,” “Eliminate ‘Stalled’ Thinking,” “Create and Implement an Excellent Solution,” and “Create and Implement an Excellent Solution By Using a Second Method.”

“Excellent solutions” are those that reach beyond simplistic answers and blossom exponentially into far-reaching, positive actions without significantly increasing the initial effort. He begins with the
essential element of goal-setting, but as is the case with all thirty-one of his lessons, Mitchell stresses the need to think in terms of goals that are not limited by negativity or narrow focus.

Mitchell excels at turning potentially complex ideas into easily understood steps that he reinforces with biblical passages, personal examples, and engaging explanations that communicate his points clearly without coming across as condescendingly simplistic. Rather, his style conveys the feeling of a favorite uncle teaching a child about important life lessons while giving constant encouragement. For example, near the end of one teaching segment, he writes, “When you have finished the five tasks, please accept my congratulations for having done so much valuable thinking.”

Biblical references and scripture passages abound, and Mitchell craftily uses them to support his concepts and to emphasize that his plan is biblically sound. His passion for his Christian principles and his belief in their ability to change the world, particularly through the effectiveness and excellent solutions of nonprofits, resonates throughout his writing. He does not simply want nonprofits to be successful in secular terms, but also in spiritual matters.

Excellent Solutions is packed with useful and clearly explained information, but Mitchell adds a creative twist that gives the 450-plus page book some visually inspiring moments. Before each lesson, he inserts an incredibly beautiful full-color nature photo by Derrick Z. Jackson. Whether intentional or not, these brilliant pictures inspire reflection on creation’s beauty around the world, subtly reinforcing Mitchell’s global concepts.

Mitchell practices what he teaches. He avoids narrow ideas, encourages positive thinking, and sets large goals to make the biggest possible spiritual and social impact—precisely what Excellent Solutions is all about.

Jeff Friend

Advance Praise for Excellent Solutions

What’s the world coming to? If you follow some form of media news outlet, you will acknowledge that large portions of the world’s populace expect only increased difficulty, strife, terror, chaos, and disaster. So many either join the turmoil or sneak off into some private refuge, content with their games, distractions, and preoccupations. So much for positive, purposeful living.

What I love about Don Mitchell’s approach to life is that anything and everything good that pertains to human flourishing is within the realm of reasonable and reachable. But attaining such fruitfulness is not dependent on Don’s intelligence or methodology or wisdom. Rather, it is in the nature and character of God, whose love for any and all people is real and powerful and available. As a result, Don helps us get a handle on God’s wisdom and helps us translate it into fruitful living.

This book busts the traps and boxes into which we unwittingly fall prey. Our thinking and our living are invited to fresh, rich levels of expression. The “number of our days” may be limited, but the difference we make and the contribution we offer to the world are unleashed. Instead of being part of the problem, we can learn from Excellent Solutions how to become increasingly part of the solution, part of God’s good, global solution.

— Pastor Doug Whallon

This wonderful book is a comprehensive guide for finding excellent solutions by applying God’s Wisdom for greater fruitfulness through upgrading what we all do and how we conduct our lives and thus turn well-justified hope into huge accomplishments.

— Dr. Elijah Chingosho, Secretary General, African Airlines Association

A formidable synthesis of management thought, personal psychology, and organizational behavior, all informed by Christian beliefs. This insightful work lays the foundation for truly excellent solutions. Don Mitchell again points the way to a better personal and organizational life.

— Wayne P. Jones, PhD, Executive in Residence, Professor of Marketing, College of Business,
University of Louisville

The story of doubt and stalled faith told by John, a contemporary of Jesus, enlightens our understanding of the loving care and creative power of the TriUnity of God (John 6:1-15). John’s story is situated in a time in Israel where many thousands of marginalized people sought a better solution from a rabbi named Jesus. “When Jesus looked out and saw that a large crowd had arrived, he said to Philip, ‘Where can we buy bread to feed these people?’ He said this to stretch Philip’s faith. He already knew what he was going to do.” (MSG). Even if there was enough bread in the nearest town, there was not enough money to buy bread for so many people. That would be our stalled thinking. But divine wisdom is not shackled by limited vision. Five barley loaves and two dried fish from a little boy would be more than enough. Jesus demonstrates this creative power of faith in God. This seed of faith (a hopeless resource for some) possesses an explosive power for regeneration. It generously feeds the many who seek a better solution in Jesus and graciously leaves more leftovers
for others.

Don Mitchell taps the divine seed of power by exploring how heavenly wisdom is radically different from our own worldly assumptions and then discovers that hidden in this seed is the power for a new creation.

— Stephan Earnhart, follower of Jesus serving the needs of a broken humanity, hotelier, and educator

Excellent Solutions unlocks the secrets to living profoundly by explaining how to tap into your passions and be in sync with what the Lord wants you to do. By following the roadmap laid out by 2,000 percent solution guru Don Mitchell, you, too, can experience the more productive, happier existence that Jesus Christ wants you to enjoy. Instead of just getting by, you’ll be wonderfully supercharged because your actions will be aligned with the teachings of Christianity.

— Ira McCown, investment banker and entrepreneur

With his customary modesty, Donald Mitchell describes his special gift from God: “He made me very curious about ways to find more and better solutions to difficult and painful problems.”

Readers who have benefited from Mitchell’s previous books would add that he writes with compelling clarity. Never one to leave a point unexplained, he elaborates: “Here’s an example,” “Let me spell out what this may look like,” “Let me give you an example,” and interjects many other transitions that become road signs toward insight. He keeps readers captivated and informed through simple illustrations that unlock profound truths.

Excellent Solutions emerges as his masterpiece on the theme he considers his God-given mission. Definitely, the book’s subtitle — How to Apply God’s Wisdom for Greater Fruitfulness — does morethan challenge readers. The phrase encapsulates what the author has accomplished in this epochal book.

— Bill Lampton, PhD, President, Championship Communication

In Excellent Solutions, Donald Mitchell has combined the knowledge and wisdom of the Bible with the stallbusting principles of his 2,000 percent solution to arrive at a magnificent work that teaches us how, through God’s guidance, we can arrive at a sequence of change and action to produce excellent solutions that will multiply benefits in our lives and businesses and thereby create greater fruitfulness for all.

— Dr. Andreas Stark, professional geophysicist and author

I’ve known Don Mitchell for at least a decade, and have always personally known and admired the strength of his character. Excellent Solutions presents a new and expansive vision of Don Mitchell. Those who know him personally have not been surprised to watch him evolve into one of the top Christian business minds in America.

Excellent Solutions allows Don to be recognized not only for his experience as a business leader and forward-thinking problem solver, but as an ongoing Christian learner who can integrate and implement plans and actions based upon teachings of the scripture. Through development of a plan, analysis of what has been done previously, and focus on creating the best opportunities, Mitchell helps us to look at ourselves and our approaches to problem solving in ways that allow us to continually multiply and enhance solutions to challenges we face. I’m proud to know Don and call him a Christian friend. May his work bless your life, and the future work you do.

— Alan Guinn, CEO and Managing Director of The Guinn Consultancy Group, Inc.

Are we really happy with our life, our family, our business, and our friends? No matter how successful we are, we are all performing way below our achievable potential. More happiness and more success are within reach of all of us but we do not see it, we do not know how; we are blind and ignorant. Life is beautiful but we have to make it beautiful.

If you believe in God, by applying God’s Wisdom you will find answers to all your problems. God’s Wisdom will open your eyes and your mind and will help you to achieve exponential success.

Don Mitchell in his new book, Excellent Solutions, combines with talent God’s guidance and stallbusting principles. This outstanding resourceful book will help you to free your life from stalls to find new strengths to go beyond your expectations.

— Alain Pierre Mignon, PhD, CEO, PT Fratekindo Jaya Gemilang, and Chairman of the French-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Don’s motto in life comes from Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” His book, Excellent Solutions, is a must read for us all if we are to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

— Patrick Crowley, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, OMERS

Don Mitchell is a gifted writer and a brilliant thinker. Therefore it is no surprise that Excellent Solutions gives readers deep insights into behavior change. Regardless of your religious beliefs, implementing just one idea from this book will have a profound impact on your life and the lives of others.

— Stephen Shapiro, Author, Best Practices Are Stupid

We all limit ourselves from achieving exceptional results. We take on what others desire and fear. Unnecessarily. Excellent Solutions frees you to think for yourself in highly productive ways.

— Ania Lichota, executive coach and author

Excellent Solutions takes the reader to a new level of consciousness about improving their own lot as well as those around them, and its “how to do it” approach provides the tools.

— Douglas Scott, foundation CAO

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Good Evening, Help Wanted Fans!

Are you feeling motivated this evening?

I know that I certainly am!
I've recently started a new blog that delivers daily progress on The 400 Year Project, which supports research to show how to make breakthroughs in every form of human endeavor. This blog will bring you up-to-date on everything that's happened since Help Wanted was published in 2011.

Be sure to check it out to gain even more information concerning optimistic adventures that benefit everyone at:

Please let me know how I can help. 

May God bless you, your family, and all you do in the name of Jesus! 

With best regards, much appreciation, and all good wishes,

Donald W. Mitchell
The 400 Year Project and Author of Help Wanted

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Please Read and Share Help Wanted: One Million Breakthrough Tutors, Arise!

The Holy Spirit directed me to write this book. In the last few days, He's been directing me to post the whole book on this blog so that you and those you know can read and apply it. I pray that you will.

The subject is how individual tutors can lead churches, congregational ministries, Christian nonprofits, universities and colleges, teachers and their unions, voluntary youth organizations, foundations, social enterprises, governments, for-profit companies, independent professionals who assist organizations, and professional tutors can lead the world to make an enormous number of performance breakthroughs in Godly ways. Appendix B shows great ways to combine breakthroughs for more stunning results, better ways to interest and inspire others to make breakthroughs, and how to teach others to be breakthrough learners. My Christian testimony is also included.

At a time when most people see Godly performance declining, it's an important message.

May God bless you, your family, and all you do in the name of Jesus!

With best regards, much appreciation, and all good wishes,

Donald Mitchell

For More Information about Help Wanted, Click Here.

To Join the Mailing List for the 400 Year Project, Click Here to Begin.

Help Wanted: One Million Breakthrough Tutors, Arise! Front Matter

Help Wanted
One Million Breakthrough Tutors, Arise!

Donald Mitchell
Coauthor of The 2,000 Percent Solution
and Author of 2,000 Percent Living

2,000 Percent Living Press
Weston, Massachusetts
United States of America

Other Books by Donald Mitchell

The 2,000 Percent Solution (with Carol Coles and Robert Metz)

The Portable 2,000 Percent Solution (with Carol Coles)

The 2,000 Percent Solution Workbook (with Carol Coles)

The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution (with Carol Coles)

The Irresistible Growth Enterprise (with Carol Coles)

The Ultimate Competitive Advantage (with Carol Coles)

Adventures of an Optimist

Witnessing Made Easy (with Bishop Dale P. Combs, Lisa Combs, Jim Barbarossa, and Carla Barbarossa)

Ways You Can Witness (with Cherie Hill, Roger de Brabant, Drew Dickens, Gael Torcise, Wendy Lobos, Herpha Jane Obod, and Gisele Umugiraneza)

2,000 Percent Living

Help Wanted
One Million Breakthrough Tutors, Arise!

Copyright © 2011 by Donald W. Mitchell. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews
and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Scripture quotations marked (NKJV)
are taken from the New King James Version.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

For information, contact:

Donald W. Mitchell
2,000 Percent Living Press
P.O. Box 302
Weston, Massachusetts 02493

Published in the United States of America

This book is dedicated to:

The 2,000 percent solution pioneers
who have shown the world the power of this breakthrough method.

May their best 2,000 percent solutions always be ahead of them!




Chapter One: 100,000 Fully Engaged
In-Congregation Evangelists, Arise!

Chapter Two: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Congregational Ministries, Arise!

Chapter Three: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Christian Nonprofit Organizations, Arise!

Chapter Four: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Universities and Colleges, Arise!

Chapter Five: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Teachers and Their Unions, Arise!

Chapter Six: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Voluntary Youth Organizations, Arise!

Chapter Seven: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Foundations, Arise!

Chapter Eight: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Social Enterprises, Arise!

Chapter Nine: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Governments, Arise!

Chapter Ten: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for For-Profit Companies, Arise!

Chapter Eleven: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Tutors for Independent Professionals Who Assist Organizations, Arise!

Chapter Twelve: 100,000 Fully Engaged
Professional Tutors, Arise!


Appendix A: Author’s Testimony

Appendix B: Help Wanted Blueprints for
More Dimensions of Complementary Benefit Breakthroughs,
Interesting and Inspiring Others to Make Breakthroughs, and
Teaching Others to Tutor Breakthrough Learners


Oh, give thanks to the LORD!
Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples!

— 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NKJV)

I thank Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, for creating the universe and all the people on the Earth; our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for providing the way for us to gain Salvation; and the Holy Spirit for guiding our daily paths towards repentance and righteousness. I also humbly acknowledge the perfect guidance I received from God through His Holy Spirit and His Word to write this book.
I am grateful to Peter Drucker for encouraging me to write about 2,000 percent solutions and to continually seek simpler ways to help people learn how to employ them. His faith in this method for solving problems caused me to take the opportunity much more seriously than I otherwise would.
I appreciate all those who have permitted me to share 2,000 percent solution methods with them. I thank them for all the insights I have gained into tutoring from observing their wonderful work.
I would like to express gratitude to my family for allowing me the time and peace to work on such a huge and awe-inspiring project for God. They made many sacrifices without complaining and were a continual inspiration.
I appreciate my many clients who held off on their demands for my help so that this project could receive the attention it required over the last fifteen years. Their financial support also made it possible for me to give this time to the Lord and to invest in the expenses required to make this book available.
Finally, I am most appreciative of the many fine improvements that the editor, Bernice Pettinato, made in the text. This is the eleventh book where she has helped me to make the messages clearer and more pleasant to read. As always, she was a delight to work with. Her kindness made the writing much easier. I value all she has taught me about writing.
I accept sole responsibility for any remaining errors and apologize to my readers for any difficulties and inconvenience that they encounter.



“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

— Luke 12:12 (NKJV)

Every aspect of Help Wanted has been taught to me by the One I believe to be God’s Holy Spirit: from the purpose, to the subject, to the title, to the subtitle, to the contents, to the order of the chapters, to the literal words of this Introduction, and to all the details and words that follow. Receiving the directions for what to write to you has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I thank and praise God for granting me this awesome favor.
I pray that I have been faithful and accurate in sharing with you what I was directed to write. Since some people receive false messages from the enemy who is in the world that are intended to deceive, you should test what is in Help Wanted through your reading of the Bible and prayer as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:29 (NKJV): “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.”
I thank you for reading and considering these words. I also pray that you will find the experience of applying what you learn to be Godly and awesome.
Help Wanted’s purposes are to encourage you to teach exponential fruitfulness (accomplishing more of what God intends) and to inform you how to do so in highly effective ways. To explain these purposes, let’s first consider what Jesus said about fruitfulness.

Encourage Exponential Fruitfulness
by Teaching about It

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away;
and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.
Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing.
If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered;
and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit;
so you will be My disciples.”

John 15:1-8, NKJV

As these verses relate, Jesus promised that those who abide in Him can ask for Godly desires and receive them to glorify our Heavenly Father, God. Instead of acting with delight on that promise, most people try to produce more of what appeals to them without either abiding in Him or seeking His support. Some of these appealing desires are not Godly ones, and evenly Godly ones may not be supported supernaturally for those who do not abide in Him. As a result, it should be no surprise when people who seek ungodly desires and those who rely solely on their own strength for Godly purposes show no Godly fruitfulness.
Where can those who aren’t being fruitful turn for help? Jesus waits with open arms to help them by offering Salvation, the Bible, and answers to prayers. The Holy Spirit will also provide guidance after they become believers.
I can also offer you another Godly resource for becoming fruitful: After being directed by the Holy Spirit to encourage faithfulness and to show how to increase effectiveness in following Jesus, I wrote 2,000 Percent Living (Salvation Press, 2010) to help individuals learn to lead the fruitful lives that He desires for all to engage in. For those who are able to read and apply what they learn, 2,000 Percent Living can provide practical directions for increasing fruitfulness after Salvation is received.
Almost everyone can be even more fruitful by having regular Earthly help from fellow believers to reinforce heavenly directions. That lesson is well demonstrated in Witnessing Made Easy: Yes, You Can Make a Difference (Jubilee Worship Center Step by Step Press, 2010) by the large increases in congregational witnessing that follow from having in-congregation evangelists encourage and teach witnessing for five minutes during every church service and activity.
When dealing with their most important and highest priority tasks for the Lord, most people seek to become as effective as possible because a lot is at stake. With proper help, even the most highly gifted in any field can accomplish a great deal more and avoid many errors. Consider top-flight athletes as an example. Few world record holders fail to have coaches and trainers who assist in finding, demonstrating, and encouraging ways to perform better.
Where, then, are the Earthly helpers for those who either can benefit from or want as much assistance as possible in being more fruitful for Him? Most seekers of increased fruitfulness will look in vain for Earthly help beyond the believers who explain the Bible and those who lecture from books based on Bible verses about fruitfulness. That kind of general support wouldn’t be enough assistance for athletes to improve to their full potential, and it’s not enough support either for those who are already saved and are committed to increasing their fruitfulness for Him.
Why isn’t more direct help available from fellow believers? One of the most important reasons for the shortage of assistance is because people who learn how to be more fruitful usually focus much more attention on expanding their own fruitfulness than on increasing the fruitfulness of others. A sports example may help to explain: Consider that when Lance Armstrong was thrilling the cycling world by winning seven straight Tour de France championships, he didn’t take time off to coach others on how to defeat him. Athletes who become coaches usually do so after their bodies won’t permit maximum performance any longer.
Unlike athletes, Christians can continually grow in their direct fruitfulness. It takes a conscious decision for a fruitful Christian to reduce time spent on being directly fruitful to begin coaching other Christians on becoming more fruitful. This redirection of focus can be one way that the Lord will prune many personally fruitful Christians.
Think about how almost anyone can accomplish much more for Him by assisting others to be more fruitful than by only expanding his or her personal fruitfulness. Unlike a sports coach who might only help develop a few top athletes, someone who teaches exponential fruitfulness might be able to assist multitudes of people who become highly effective for Him. In light of that potential, Jesus’ words about not having enough help ring as true today concerning coaches and tutors of expanded fruitfulness as they did when He began itinerant preaching and commented about the limited number of disciples initially available to precede Him:

Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2, NKJV).

You have probably heard John 15:1-8 preached. However, you may not have received much more specific advice about what to do than to spend more time in Bible reading, prayer, and acting on what the Holy Spirit directs you to do. While that’s certainly good advice, most people would benefit from more specific directions from knowledgeable believers about how to apply the messages that are received from Bible reading, prayer, and listening to the Holy Spirit.
Why is specific advice often missing from lessons taught about John 15:1-8? It appears that more Christians have been gifted to inspire people to be more fruitful for Him than have been gifted to teach people specific, highly effective ways to act on such inspirations.
What can be done to expand access to receiving more practical direction? Jesus’ teachings demonstrate the value of providing very specific advice and examples in a narrow context. His examples show how specialization in teaching can help learners while reducing the amount of preparation needed for those offering the lessons. Help Wanted follows His example by spelling out how to teach exponential fruitfulness in a variety of different contexts.
To understand more about how to provide specific directions, let’s look more closely at what Jesus, our foremost Teacher of fruitfulness, did in His most powerful lessons. When we read what the Bible tells us about His methods, it’s clear that Jesus was often very specific to the disciples in His instructions. Here’s an example: Jesus wanted the disciples to love one another in a sacrificial way, putting service to others ahead of their self-interests and comfort. Rather than merely stating and preaching about that directive, Jesus first demonstrated at the Last Supper precisely what He wanted the disciples to do:

Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.

Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?”

Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”

Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!”

Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”

Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!”

Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.” For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said, “You are not all clean.”

So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” (John 13:3-17, NKJV)

As John 15:1-8 relates, Jesus wants us to be fruitful in serving the kingdom of God. He also wants to improve and benefit us through the service we provide in helping others be more fruitful as we read in Romans 8:28 (NKJV), “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Let’s look at what some of the rewards are for those Christians who are effective in assisting others to become exponentially fruitful.

Receive Rewards for Teaching
Practical, Exponential Fruitfulness

“And behold, I am coming quickly,
and My reward is with Me,
to give to every one according to his work.”

— Revelation 22:12 (NKJV)

A Christian life promises many deferred, highly desirable rewards, such as spending eternity with God after repenting, believing in Him, following Him, and receiving the free gift of Salvation. Knowing that great heavenly rewards await, Christians learn to be happily patient, obedient, and faithful as they deal with trials that test and refine them to be more like Jesus.
Teaching practical ways to be exponentially fruitful can provide both eternal and day-to-day rewards that will further uplift any Christian’s heart and soul. The eternal rewards are alluded to in Revelation 22:12 where Jesus promises to reward those who have done His work when He returns. If ordinary fruitfulness will earn rewards, just think about how much more exponential fruitfulness will be recognized by Him when each is rewarded according to the work that was done.
Jesus made important observations about the potential for exponential fruitfulness while explaining the Parable of the Sower:

“When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside. But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” (Matthew 13:18-23 NKJV)

The last sentence indicates that Jesus wants us to realize that exponential fruitfulness is likely for those who understand His will and are faithful in doing it. He also made it clear that many would not understand His will, suggesting the potential importance of having people who explain His directions. Further, among those who understand, some will not be faithful. The unfaithful people can benefit from being continually encouraged by those who understand and are faithful.
The day-to-day rewards from teaching exponential fruitfulness may not be apparent to you until you experience them. I know that these rewards came as a pleasant surprise to me. Having helped many people to become exponentially fruitful, in the spirit of being helpful let me humbly share with you some of the Earthly rewards that I have experienced as a partial indication of what God’s plan for your rewards may include:

• Peacefulness (Knowing that you are contributing to results with positive eternal consequences drowns out many anxieties tied to less important Earthly matters.)

• Love (Teaching fruitfulness provides many opportunities to express and receive brotherly love.)

• Satisfaction (When Godly results follow from the actions taken by those who receive your teaching, you enjoy a sense of having done some good work.)

• Contribution (When needy people are helped by those you teach, the benefits received may be greater than what your finances could have provided, giving you a sense of the substantial value your efforts helped create by attracting God’s supernatural resources.)

• Significance (Meeting and working with highly effective contributors to fruitfulness allow you to see better how important your work is in God’s eyes.)

• Confidence (As your ability to teach fruitfulness improves, you will feel less daunted by Earthly difficulties.)

• Inspiration (When the results accomplished by your learners’ efforts exceed what you hoped and prayed for, your sense of awe will increase for God’s infinite knowledge, omnipresence, and unlimited power.)

• Mastery (As your teaching becomes more effective, you will experience greater joy.)

• Kindness (People who benefit from your teachings will often express their appreciation in touching, Godly ways.)

• Humility (The more that is accomplished by those you teach, the more you will realize that the increase is from God.)

• Friendship (You will establish connections to wonderful believers God has intended to be part of your life who you would not otherwise have met.)

I pray that you will richly receive all of these benefits … and even more!

If you would like to better understand any of my experiences with teaching exponential fruitfulness, I invite you to contact me with your questions by e-mail at I would also be pleased to hear from you about the Earthly benefits that you gain from teaching practical, exponential fruitfulness.
Let’s look now at why at least a million tutors of practical, exponential fruitfulness are needed, where they might be found, and how they might prepare for this role.

Prepare One Million Fruitfulness Tutors

Are all apostles?
Are all prophets?
Are all teachers?
Are all workers of miracles?

— 1 Corinthians 12:29 (NKJV)

In 1 Corinthians 12:29, Paul is making the point that the gifts God provides to individuals for serving the body of Christ are quite varied. As a result, we should expect that the number of those who have a particular type of Godly gift will be limited.
When we consider just those who have received teaching gifts, God has provided many needs for applying those gifts. Some of the gifted will teach as pastors, leading their congregations. Others will teach in Sunday school, helping youngsters to learn about Christianity. Still others will teach various important ministry tasks. Because of meeting these many needs, just a small portion of those with the teaching gift are available to teach practical, exponential fruitfulness. In many nations, it’s also difficult to teach about Christianity without substantial opposition from the government or people of different faiths. Those limits further reduce the availability of employing teaching gifts for expanding fruitfulness. In addition, many of those with the teaching gift will lack the perspectives and experiences needed to teach ways of expanding fruitfulness in practical, exponential ways for many potential applications.
Experience has shown that a well-informed fruitfulness tutor can assist as many as twenty people at a time who have the same learning need. If instead each learner has a different learning need, fruitfulness tutoring has to be one-on-one. Most new tutors will also feel much more comfortable assisting one person at a time even when the learning needs among potential students are quite similar. As a result, I estimate that one million tutors will initially be teaching no more than two million people a year. With the body of Christ probably containing hundreds of millions of saved people, it takes a million tutors just to begin to make a direct impact on the potential for increasing fruitfulness.
Fortunately, learning from tutors isn’t the only way that Christians can become more fruitful: Believers can also do more for Him by emulating fruitful actions they observe others doing. As a result, we can expect that anyone who learns practical, exponential fruitfulness and performs it in a visible way will indirectly influence more fruitfulness among those who observe the services done for God.
To obtain the most results from such followers of good examples, it’s important to have tutors present in as many countries as possible and teaching as many different aspects of practical, exponential fruitfulness as possible.
As one approach for making such tutors available, let’s look at the contexts for practical, exponential fruitfulness for which directions are provided in Help Wanted.

Select and Place Well-Prepared Tutors
in Highly Fruitful Learning Environments

And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab,
As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand,
there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.”
Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying,
“Get away from here and turn eastward,
and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.
And it will be that you shall drink from the brook,
and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.”
So he went and did according to the word of the LORD,
for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning,
and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook.
 And it happened after a while that the brook dried up,
because there had been no rain in the land.
Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying,
“Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there.
See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.”

— 1 Kings 17:1-9 (NKJV)

As Elijah’s experience shows, God provides for us in specific places and ways in order to serve His objectives. We have to be in the right place at the right time to be in His will. As a result, we need to pay close attention when selecting, preparing, and placing exponential fruitfulness tutors in order to achieve outstanding results, the second of Help Wanted’s purposes.
In many examples of fruitfulness, Jesus spoke about leading more people to learn about Salvation. Simple arithmetic tells us that the more born-again Christians there are, the more potential fruitfulness can be created by the body of Christ. Experience shows that tutoring all believers in congregations to do more witnessing and in more effective ways is a high-potential opportunity for expanding fruitfulness. In Witnessing Made Easy, you can read the details of how in-congregation evangelists can expand by over 400 times the amount of witnessing done as a result of a single congregation’s activities (both by greatly increasing the congregation’s own witnessing and by providing lots of tools to eager witnesses in other congregations who lack the ability to afford them). In Ways You Can Witness: How the Lost Are Found (Salvation Press, 2010), you can read about the value of and ways to implement six different complementary approaches to witnessing that can make a congregation’s learning about witnessing even more fruitful. Chapter One of Help Wanted relates how to combine all eight of these methods from the two books to expand witnessing effectiveness and suggests applying the methods in at least 100,000 churches by adding in-congregation evangelists who teach these practices during each church service and activity.
Churches engage in many ministries that don’t involve witnessing. Chapter Two describes how tutors can help those ministries to become more exponentially fruitful. Through these ministries, those who cannot be encouraged to witness can contribute to fulfilling His purposes.
Christian good works are often done by nonprofit organizations that need to raise funds, to attract volunteers, and to apply the funds with the help of volunteers to accomplish important tasks for those in need. Chapter Three explains what tutors should learn and teach in order to make those organizations serve their purposes in exponentially more fruitful ways.
Since Help Wanted is about accomplishing more through learning and applying what’s learned, it’s natural to consider the roles that tutors can play to help students at universities and colleges, both Christian and secular, learn to be more fruitful. That’s the subject of Chapter Four.
Many Christians already earn a living as professional teachers, both in private and public schools. In many locales, public school teachers belong to unions that champion better environments and encouragement for learning. Chapter Five examines what tutors can do to help teachers and their unions expand their fruitfulness.
Jesus was very concerned about nurturing children. Many youth groups encourage fellowship and learning. Chapter Six addresses the opportunities for tutors to aid such associations in increasing their fruitfulness.
Foundations often play a role in improving Earthly conditions by encouraging and financing experiments designed to make breakthroughs. Chapter Seven investigates how tutors can assist foundations to add to their Godly fruitfulness.
Many believers use their organizations to serve Christian purposes as well as to earn a profit in what is often called “social entrepreneurship.” Chapter Eight explores the potential for tutors to help social enterprises deliver more fruitfulness.
Some nations are determined to lift up their people in spiritual and Earthly ways. Chapter Nine portrays ways for these intentions to be accomplished in more fruitful ways through the help of breakthrough tutors.
Some for-profit companies are engaged in activities that while intended to be spiritually neutral actually open important doors for Godly fruitfulness. Chapter Ten develops many new ways that tutors can assist these firms do more to contribute to God’s work while improving their Earthly success.
Many independent professionals are talented in developing ways of organizing complicated tasks so that more can be accomplished. Some of these individuals work as consultants, others as software developers, and still others as practitioners of best practice research. Chapter Eleven relates how tutors can assist those with such skills to be redirected to create more Godly fruitfulness.
Finally, some may welcome the opportunity to develop professional careers as fruitfulness tutors specializing in important activities. Chapter Twelve guides such individuals in selecting a specialty, gaining the knowledge needed to be effective in that specialty, attracting learners, earning a living from the activity, and improving their effectiveness.
In the book’s epilogue, you will find more details about the four key lessons for tutors when getting started in expanding exponential fruitfulness for Him.
I also invite you to learn about how I became a Christian and what that has meant to me by reading my testimony in Appendix A.
In Appendix B, you’ll find three valuable tutoring blueprints for accomplishing much more through helping learners combine more complementary benefit breakthroughs, interesting and inspiring students to make breakthroughs, and teaching others to tutor breakthrough learners.

Here’s a final recommendation: Although each chapter is intended to be read as stand-alone information, you will better understand what to do if you read these chapters in order before going back to reread material that appeals more to you. I make that suggestion because many of the principles that all tutors need to apply are exemplified in more detail in the first chapters than in the later ones.

Copyright © 2011 by Donald W. Mitchell. All rights reserved.